Hermann's photos

Testudo graeca, hermanni, kleinmanni, marginata
Messaggi: 531
Iscritto il: mer nov 22, 2006 12:13 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda mamoz » mar dic 19, 2006 4:15 pm

Dear Marco,
i understand what you said.
also in italy the peasant are used to kill animals which "put on danger" their work.
i can understand it,in some way(very hardely!): gardens and products of gardens are their live; even if i'm not agree with that "wild" practise.
i think wich the government should give money to the peasants wich get damaged by animals or natural events! don't you?
about the practice of drinking blood, this is just a burden of past!
i remember that the father of a friend of mine was sure that eating a mouse was a cure against pissing to bed!!! and my friend eat a mouse thinking it was a kind of bird or some like that!!
best wishes, marco!

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » mer dic 20, 2006 10:35 am

Messaggio inserito da mamoz

Dear Marco,
i understand what you said.
also in italy the peasant are used to kill animals which "put on danger" their work.
i can understand it,in some way(very hardely!): gardens and products of gardens are their live; even if i'm not agree with that "wild" practise.
i think wich the government should give money to the peasants wich get damaged by animals or natural events! don't you?
about the practice of drinking blood, this is just a burden of past!
i remember that the father of a friend of mine was sure that eating a mouse was a cure against pissing to bed!!! and my friend eat a mouse thinking it was a kind of bird or some like that!!
best wishes, marco!

Really, perfect explanation and reflection, Sir. Yes, I am also sure, the use of Tortoises blood in "curative treatment" is burdne of past, and it will disappear with the time surely. Young generation will not accept it, and it will go to history.
On the other side, to stop villagers in their kill of Tortoises because of "gardne destruction" is possible only with Government financial help. It do not need so big money to be realized, it is only necessary to enclose each vegetable garden well, and villagers will never have problem with Tortoises. I will try to find way how to speak with some Officials in Montenegro as soon as possible, hoping to get some positive success in this matter!
Warmest regards, Marco

Messaggi: 531
Iscritto il: mer nov 22, 2006 12:13 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda mamoz » mer dic 20, 2006 12:03 pm

Dear Marco,
your interest for turtles life is really something to admire.
i wish there will be more people as you, interested with this problem.
are there not animalist associations? may be they can do something about it.
i'm next to you, man!
best wishes, marco.

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Messaggi: 1703
Iscritto il: mer nov 08, 2006 3:12 pm
Località: Italia-Abruzzo-Texas

Messaggioda yuri » mer dic 20, 2006 12:34 pm

in albania penso sia peggio,un albanese mi ha raccontato di un allevamento di polli che compra le tartarughe,poi queste vengono tritate e usate come integrazione per l'alimentazione delle galline.In molti vanno all alevamento con asini con gerle cariche di tartarughe.non so se la cosa è vera al 100% ma ho chiesto conserma anche a un professore di veterinaria di tirana e lui purtroppo mi ha confermato la cosa.
ps in passato in italia la situazione non era tanto migliore

Messaggi: 531
Iscritto il: mer nov 22, 2006 12:13 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda mamoz » mer dic 20, 2006 1:17 pm

mio dio!
non c'è limite all'orrore!

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Messaggi: 1534
Iscritto il: lun apr 17, 2006 11:31 am

Messaggioda Sabrina1 » mer dic 20, 2006 1:29 pm

scusatemi anche per l'ignoranza io non conosco l'inglese si potrebbe cercare di capire tutti?
Grazie mille

Messaggi: 531
Iscritto il: mer nov 22, 2006 12:13 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda mamoz » mer dic 20, 2006 2:15 pm

esattamente!;) fuori stagione puoi trovare tutta la frutta del mondo!
dipende da quanto vuoi e puoi pagare!
ho lavorato all'autodromo di monza per il gp di formula 1, e non immagini quanto ben dio c'era!!INCREDIBILE! cose da ricconi!!
ciao mario

exactly! ;)you can find all the fruits of the world, even out of season!
it dipends by how much you want and can spent for it!
i worked in monza for the f1 gp, and you cannot imagine how many delicious think i saw there!!INCREDIBLE!!stuffs for very rich people!!
bye mario

Messaggi: 531
Iscritto il: mer nov 22, 2006 12:13 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda mamoz » mer dic 20, 2006 2:22 pm

Thanks for the explanation, in the supermarkets where I go to make the expense I have never seen the cocomeri in this period but I do not exclude that they can cultivate them.

esattamente!;)fuori stagione puoi trovare tutta la frutta del mondo!
dipende da quanto vuoi e puoi pagare!
ho lavorato all'autodromo di monza per il gp di formula 1, e non immagini quanto ben dio c'era!!INCREDIBILE! cose da ricconi!!
ciao mario

exactly!;)you can find all the fruits of the world, even out of season!
it dipends by how much you want and can spent for it!
i worked in monza for the f1 gp, and you cannot imagine how many delicious think i saw there!!INCREDIBLE!!stuffs for very rich people!!
bye mario

n/a 3

Messaggioda n/a 3 » mer dic 20, 2006 4:01 pm

Some time ago, during olimpic games, I have heard that chineses athletes were used to drink a strange beverage with turtle's blood and that was the secret because of they won a lot of gold medals. Of course I don't know if it's true or simply a legend but if it were should be a very sad thing.
Best wishes

Tempo fa, durante i giochi olimpici, ho sentito che gli atleti cinesi erano soliti a bere una strana bevanda a base di sangue di tartaruga e che cio' fosse il segreto grazie al quale vinsero un sacco di medagli d'oro. Ovviamente non so se e' vero o sempolicemente una leggenda, ma se lo fosse sarebbe veramente una cosa triste.

Messaggi: 1355
Iscritto il: mar ott 24, 2006 12:51 pm
Località: Lombardia

Messaggioda luca1988 » mer dic 20, 2006 6:02 pm

Mi fa un pò impressione..

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Messaggi: 1534
Iscritto il: lun apr 17, 2006 11:31 am

Messaggioda Sabrina1 » mer dic 20, 2006 9:25 pm

grazie ragazzi per le traduzioni

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » mer dic 20, 2006 9:45 pm

Messaggio inserito da mamoz

Dear Marco,
your interest for turtles life is really something to admire.
i wish there will be more people as you, interested with this problem.
are there not animalist associations? may be they can do something about it.
i'm next to you, man!
best wishes, marco.

Yes, we are having two associations for animals protection, but they are taking care about street's dogs only, and, make efforts to stop any animals breed over here. About right positions of animals in the wild, they are not interested and they do nothing in this matter, indpending they are getting great funds every year from foreign donations.
Yours truly, Marco

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » mer dic 20, 2006 9:50 pm

Messaggio inserito da Fulvio

Some time ago, during olimpic games, I have heard that chineses athletes were used to drink a strange beverage with turtle's blood and that was the secret because of they won a lot of gold medals. Of course I don't know if it's true or simply a legend but if it were should be a very sad thing.
Best wishes

Tempo fa, durante i giochi olimpici, ho sentito che gli atleti cinesi erano soliti a bere una strana bevanda a base di sangue di tartaruga e che cio' fosse il segreto grazie al quale vinsero un sacco di medagli d'oro. Ovviamente non so se e' vero o sempolicemente una leggenda, ma se lo fosse sarebbe veramente una cosa triste.

It could be truth, dear Fulvio. To dring Tortoises blood, this practice came from Far East maybe, and unfortunately, is still used in my country. I understand very well, a drowning man grasps at any straw, but ask sick peple to drink Tortoises blood to feel better, it is terrible. I realy hope, this practice will disappear with the time, younger generations will not be able to believe in these things!
Yours faithfully, Marco

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Iscritto il: dom ott 09, 2005 1:42 pm

Messaggioda platysternon » mer dic 20, 2006 10:47 pm

Ragazzi senza andare molto lontano in tempo di quaresima qui in Italia una delle poche carni consentite era quella di tartaruga.

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Messaggi: 1534
Iscritto il: lun apr 17, 2006 11:31 am

Messaggioda Sabrina1 » gio dic 21, 2006 9:18 am

ecco platy detto bene,finiamola di spaventarci e disgustraci,purtroppo queste cose accadono anche qui.

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